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Lately I have written quite a lot about the old Amiga platform. The reason I am so excited about this is not because I’m reminiscing about my childhood, or because I’m trying to sell anything. Quite the opposite.What I would like to present is a modern, working and extremely effective alternative to Linux.

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Because that’s what Aros and Morphos represents. I know this view may come as a surprise on people, even those active in the Amiga retro computing community. But it’s non-the-less true. What is an operative system?An operative system is a methodology. Windows represents one such method, and by using their method and doing what Microsoft wants you to – you achieve and can enjoy the features Microsoft delivers through Windows.OS X is likewise a methodology, it is wildly different from Windows and offers an equally different user experience. Where Microsoft Windows focus more on being a workhorse for all things technical (which I personally think is better than OS X), Apple focus more on creativity, special effects and visual beauty over technical achievements. One of many, many portsLinux represents the third methodology. M5025 mfp drivers for mac pro.

It’s both different from and equal to the two aforementioned systems. It is open, free and can be customized and tailored to the needs and wants of it’s users. The downside of this freedom is that compared to Windows and OS X, Linux is extremely hard to work with on a lower level. You really need to know your stuff once you move away from the desktop, and if you want to make distinct changes to the operative system – you must be prepared to master and excel at C/C programming. What about Aros and MorphosNow that we have put words on what an operative system represents and which alternatives are out there (there are more operative systems of course, but these 3 methodologies represents the most widely accepted) – it’s time to look at a completely different and very exciting alternative.

Namely Aros.Linux has an interesting story which in many ways resemble Aros’s own history. If we go back in time to before Linux existed, universities and science programs primarily used Unix. Unix is after all designed to deal with hundreds and thousands of users, to keep data separate and to provide safety and security for everyone with an account. So it’s perfect for college campuses, scientific organizations and businesses. Not exactly graphically impairedWe should be thankful that the Aros team made it their lives mission to re-engineer Amiga OS for the future — because without it, the methodology and mode of thought which Amiga OS represents would never have survived. It would be a blast from the past, a true gem buried in the sand and forgotten.Thanks to the Aros team, modern programmers and computer users can see for themselves just how cpu, memory and space efficient the Amiga methodology and formula is. And with a bit of work, turning this operative system into a killer business provider should not be a problem.

What about driversI had a chat with a individual on the Amiga User forum over at Facebook about this very topic, and unsurprising he was against the idea. Actually I dont think he really thought it through. He just went into “automatic” mind mode and said “It will never work, it’s a waste of time”. At which point I have to ask “what is a waste of time?”. NVida has an excellent API, and you get a mighty bang for your pennies!Aros can be downloaded on a live CD and tested on any x86 PC. Naturally you can expect it to work on every configuration on the planet, but the majority of modern PC’s will work just fine. So what exactly is it that makes this so much worse than, say, Linux?In order to ensure driver efficiency I would propose that Aros picks out a fixed and easily available hardware platform, I can suggest the following (and it’s thought through, so please think about it before you just criticize it).

NVida Graphics hardware. Easily available motherboard with:.

On board sound hardware. On board TCP/IP socket. On board Wi-Fi hardware.


Intel i5 – i9 processorThe list of drivers required for such a setup:. NVida graphics API driver. TC’s — More than enough for Amiga emulationDepending on the model it will be roughly the speed of an A4000 060 (or so I’ve heard, I have not tried this myself). I highly doubt older models can reach anything close to a 68060 processor, but state of the art TC’s might. It’s impressive how much CPU power they cram into small gadgets these days. My phone probably have more raw power than a pimped up Amiga 1200 had.

But it’s how power is used that matters, and no modern device comes with software as ingeniously designed as Amiga OS. It runs on air and tears of ducklings.

It’s a work of art.Just to make my point I did a quick visit to the most used Norwegian second-hand online marketplace FINN.NO and I found a guy selling 6 (six) HP thin clients at 100 NKR a piece ($9). That’s a bargain if I ever saw one. (will probably vanish quickly). The power of torrentsI know it’s not good form to encourage piracy but we are talking games bordering on 30 years old (in some cases) so I have no problem looking at the massive collections of Amiga software out there in “torrent space” – as a pure resource of brilliance which belongs to the world. Having said that, I think people should avoid at all cost piracy of OS4 or Amiga forever. It is highly unlikely that any new environments will be created for the Amiga if people copy those systems; and besides – we are old enough now to recognize that programming is hard work.

I work as a professional developer and know full well how much it hurts when people crack what you worked for 2-3 years to achieve. If you use it, support it with a purchase!And this is coming from an ex Quartex and Alpha Flight member (for those of you that remember us). So it’s not without a sense of irony that I write about piracy.But fact is, you will find gigabytes of games and applications online, much more than you ever had when you owned a real Amiga in your teens.

The same goes for MAME (arcade emulators).Downloading 3.500 Nintendo, Sega, Neo-Geo and Amiga games in. Amithlon, worked like a charm on x86 — so they killed it Still plenty of optionsIf we look away from the obvious stupidity of whomever owns the Amiga brand, hardware and software rights — the situation is actually optimistic: UAE takes the Amiga everywhere, and with modern processors spending most of their time in idle state – emulation is not the penalty it used to be.

Heck, if UAE was modified to make use of multi-core threading, the emulation would be damn close to un-measurable in some cases. The guys behind UAE deserves a medal, it’s an excellent piece of software engineering (or reverse engineering).I can’t remember the last time I booted an actual, real Windows machine. I do all my development in VMWare these days, including Linux and OS X development. So why I can’t enjoy my Amiga desktop with all those titles and programs is beyond me. Heck, putting together a decent emulation-station from either a cheap embedded board, thin client or older PC is a piece of cake. Cloud, the future or everything. Lazarus + FPC running on Raspberry PI micro computer What about the webThe downside of working with older hardware is that you can only use them for development.

The moment you want to ship a product written in platform independent object pascal you have to get your hands on a machine from the modern marketplace. But there is one combination where you can avoid all that – and that if if your target media is HTML5 exclusively.While Delphi XE 1 through 7 is far to processor and memory hungry for an older PC, is absolutely perfect. It comes with a small and compact RTL for making cutting edge HTML5 mobile apps.

It has a chrome browser built-in (embedded) and is more or less everything you need to write JavaScript based applications designed for either web-pages (embedded like a flash app would) or a fullscreen mobile app. You write object pascal, the compiler generates hardcore JavaScript from that.And JavaScript is extremely fast, in many cases (especially when it comes to graphics) faster than native Delphi (which sounds ridicules I know, but check the benchmarks and see for yourself). JavaScript also has the benefit of running pretty much anywhere in a modern browser.