
Cefpython Of V66 For Mac

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Thanks to Lampix for the v66 release. Releases/tag/v66.0) of CEF Python. Additional information for v31.2 release: - On Windows/Mac you can install with. Python bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF). tkinter.py Mac Crashes with message 'Segmentation fault: 11'. This still haven't been debugged. From v66 to v80 that's 24 version bumps and that's a big task.

Czarek Tomczak cztomczak Polandhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/17xmoT5Z_zTHkVclqPzrs2aAV64Uiu7fh/viewHire me!

cztomczak/cefpython 1955

Python bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)

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Develop desktop GUI applications using PHP, HTML5, JavaScript and SQLite

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Go lang bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)

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An example on how to use C API in Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)

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GUI toolkit for embedding Chromium in desktop apps

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MySQL and PosgreSQL databases administration tool in a single PHP file

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JS Tetris is a browser based clone of one of the greatest puzzle video games of all time

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Boovix is a program for cataloging movies located on a hard drive or a network drive.

cztomczak/cef 1

Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) official mirror. A simple framework for embedding Chromium-based browsers in other applications.

cztomczak/coding-notes 1 Workshop manual coventry victoria.

I'm compiling comprehensive coding tutorials for many different languages and frameworks! 🐲

user viewpoint

push eventchurchillnavigation/chromium-build

commit sha e7f230d89f2b3074bd70d9eb5502e5f404d098cd

Fix 'filename too long' error by forcing to use git from depot_tools.

push time in 12 hours

issue commentcztomczak/phpdesktop


comment created time in 5 days

issue commentcztomczak/cefpython

Looks like pyinstaller 3.2.1 has issues with scanning 'base_library.zip' for your Python version. You can try upgrade pyinstaller to a newer version, but keep in mind that cefpython's pyinstaller example is only tested with 3.2.1 and users reported issues with newer versions of pyinstaller in the past, so other unrelated issues might arise if you do so.


comment created time in 9 days

issue commentcztomczak/cefpython

It might fix the issue, but it's still not guaranteed.


comment created time in a month

issue closedcztomczak/cefpython


I was to sucessful integrate my application using wxpython + cefpython, everything is working properly when I launch it from python myscript.py

But I pack it using pyinstaller, it works, but when I click on any link this what happens with the screen, the same dos not happen when I call from python myscript.py neither on chrome, only when I call the exe created by pyinstaller:

Any suggestion to debug is welcome..

Thanks a lot!

closed time in a month


issue commentcztomczak/cefpython


comment created time in a month

issue commentcztomczak/cefpython

This still haven't been debugged properly. We need a meaningful stack trace to understand the problem.

@tallforasmurf You've provided stack trace, but the Chromium's part of stack trace does not contain meaningful symbols. You can download CEF symbols from here: http://opensource.spotify.com/cefbuilds/cef_binary_3.3359.1774.gd49d25f_macosx64_release_symbols.tar.bz2


comment created time in 2 months

push eventcztomczak/phpdesktop

commit sha 5b2427191cdda1d16fbd8feb7f84d0e6ea3b22ae

Update fundings (+$130)

push time in 2 months

issue commentcztomczak/phpdesktop


comment created time in 2 months


issue closedcztomczak/cefpython

Questions should be asked on the forum:https://groups.google.com/group/cefpython

closed time in 2 months


issue commentcztomczak/cefpython


comment created time in 2 months

issue commentcztomczak/cefpython

Pass ApplicationSettings.ignore_certification_errors option to cef.Initialize. See https://github.com/cztomczak/cefpython/blob/master/api/ApplicationSettings.md#ignore_certificate_errors .


comment created time in 2 months

issue closedcztomczak/cefpython

Questions should be asked on the forum:https://groups.google.com/group/cefpythonWhen i niitialize cef with settings below :cef.Initialize(settings={'multi_threaded_message_loop':True})then it throw message below:cefpython.CreateBrowserSync() may only be called on the UI thread

How can i call CreateBrowserSync in a UI thread?

closed time in 2 months


issue commentcztomczak/cefpython


comment created time in 2 months

issue commentcztomczak/cefpython

You can rename the subprocess executable in the cefpython3 package (after installation) on developer machine. When distributing app and also when running on dev machine you can specify path to the subprocess executable (make it absolute path) via the ApplicationSettings.browser_subprocess_path option passed to cef.Initialize, see: https://github.com/cztomczak/cefpython/blob/master/api/ApplicationSettings.md#browser_subprocess_path .


comment created time in 2 months

issue commentcztomczak/cefpython

You can catch KeyboardInterrupt exception (ctrl+c) with the try clause. You can do cleanup in the finally clause and call cef.Shutdown there.

Otherwise it's an issue in upstream Chromium/CEF. If you kill parent process then other spawned processes don't exit on Windows by default.

You could use the psutil python library to kill any hanging processes from previous runs. See https://pypi.org/project/psutil/ . Or simply os.system('taskkill /im subprocess.exe'). But note that 'subprocess.exe' is not a unique and may be a process from other app. You can rename the subprocess executable when distributing your app.


comment created time in 2 months

issue closedcztomczak/cefpython

Questions should be asked on the forum:https://groups.google.com/group/cefpythonWhen i run python pyinstaller.py,it occur error below:Traceback (most recent call last):File 'C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36-32Scriptspyinstaller-script.py', line 11, in <module>load_entry_point('PyInstaller3.5', 'console_scripts', 'pyinstaller')()File 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesPyInstaller_main_.py', line 111, in runrun_build(pyi_config, spec_file, **vars(args))File 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesPyInstaller_main_.py', line 63, in run_buildPyInstaller.building.build_main.main(pyi_config, spec_file, **kwargs)File 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesPyInstallerbuildingbuild_main.py', line 844, in mainbuild(specfile, kw.get('distpath'), kw.get('workpath'), kw.get('clean_build'))File 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesPyInstallerbuildingbuild_main.py', line 791, in buildexec(code, spec_namespace)File 'pyinstaller.spec', line 39, in <module>cipher_obj = PyiBlockCipher(key=SECRET_CIPHER)File 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesPyInstallerarchivepyz_crypto.py', line 54, in initself.aesmod = import_aes(get_crypto_hiddenimports())File 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesPyInstallerarchivepyz_crypto.py', line 37, in get_crypto_hiddenimportsimport_aes(modname)File 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesPyInstallerarchivepyz_crypto.py', line 21, in import_aesreturn import(module_name, fromlist=[module_name.split('.')[-1]])File 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesCryptoCipher_init.py', line 27, in <module>from Crypto.Cipher._mode_ecb import _create_ecb_cipherFile 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesCryptoCipher_mode_ecb.py', line 29, in <module>from Crypto.Util._raw_api import (load_pycryptodome_raw_lib,File 'c:usersadministratorappdatalocalprogramspythonpython36-32libsite-packagesCryptoUtil_raw_api.py', line 33, in <module>from Crypto.Util.py3compat import byte_stringImportError: cannot import name 'byte_string'Error: PyInstaller failed, code=1

closed time in 2 months


issue commentcztomczak/cefpython


comment created time in 2 months

issue closedcztomczak/cefpython

Questions should be asked on the forum:https://groups.google.com/group/cefpythonWhen i use Pyinstaller to convert tkinter_.py in examples folder to exe.It run errors as below happened:[tkinter_.py] CEF Python 66.0[tkinter_.py] Python 3.6.4rc1 32bit[tkinter_.py] Tk 8.6.6[0310/140708.938:ERROR:icu_util.cc(133)] Invalid file descriptor to ICU data received.

But the script is run ok on python interpreter.What's the reason maybe?

closed time in 2 months


issue commentcztomczak/cefpython


comment created time in 2 months

issue commentcztomczak/phpdesktop

Thank you to Colin McMurchie for the $25 donation.


comment created time in 2 months

issue commentcztomczak/phpdesktop


comment created time in 2 months

push eventcztomczak/phpdesktop

commit sha 2b0432d8634dfce77c8f909fd7abee7082913952

Update fundings

push time in 2 months

issue commentcztomczak/phpdesktop

Thank you to Alfarouq Alkhayari for $100 donation.


comment created time in 2 months

issue commentcztomczak/cefpython

It is required to update to latest CEF first. From v66 to v80 that's 24 version bumps and that's a big task.


comment created time in 3 months