
Study Guide For The First Part Last

The First Part Last: Angela Johnson

Summary: A summary and review of That First Part Last, a book by Angela Johnson that presents a vivid depiction of teen pregnancy. In describing the impact of a baby on a teenager's life, the book approaches the subject through the eyes of the teenage male. The First Part Last: Angela Johnson. The only AST-endorsed study guide for the NBSTSA national surgical technologist certifying examination that provides 6 practice exams and bonus basic science review questions for a total of 1,386 practice questions. Each exam reflects the NBSTSA exam content outline.

Ar 7 speakers vintage audio. In Angela Johnson's The First Part Last the reader is presented with a vivid depiction of teen pregnancy and also the struggle we all face, choosing 'the right thing.' Throughout this story, Angela Johnson provides examples of this theme through two teenagers in alternating chapters of then and now, just like before and after. Angela Johnson describes how a baby can dramatically change the life of a teenager. Huawei ec6108sv6 update .android box. The book takes a different approach to teen pregnancy by looking through the eyes of a male.

The teenage parents are Bobby and his girlfriend Nia. Bobby is an impulsive, restless teenager. Both main characters are your typical urban New York City teenagers. For Bobby's sixteenth birthday, his two friends, K-Boy and J.L., and he all skip school. They stop by their favorite pizza joint for a bite to eat then head to..

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. How does Bobby construct his identity as a young black father? In what ways does he change over the novel? In what ways does he stay the same?
  2. How does Johnson's poetic style affect the impact of the story?
  3. How would the story change if Bobby and Nia's genders were reversed?
  4. What sort of commentary might Johnson be making about family and love?
  5. Why does Johnson divide the novel into then and now chapters? Why alternate the narrative between past-Bobby and present-Bobby?