
Divinity Original Sin 2 How To Dye Armor

Divinity: Original Sin 2, the eagerly anticipated sequel to the award-winning RPG, is now available on Steam and a lot of players seem to have a lot of fun with.

Can be found all over the ship and the rest of, and they can be used infinitely to completely heal your entire party when out of combat. When in a multiplayer game, each player will need a bedroll, but it’s still much better than standing around or constantly casting Regeneration. It’s free and fast, what more could you ask for? For quick access, make sure to move the item to your hot bar.2. Crime Pays, But Only Onceis a great way to get rich. Whether you’re stealing off a shelf or from a pocket, you’re sure to make a profit, but before you attempt to steal from someone, consider your skill level.

If your thievery skill isn't high enough, you won't be able to pick a person's pockets clean, possibly leaving behind some incredibly valuable loot. There are no second chances to remedy this mishap, either!

You can only pickpocket someone once - ever! - so make sure your thievery ability level is high enough to make it worth your while. Also keep in mind if anyone at all sees you in the midst of pickpocketing, you'll be interrupted and won't be able to complete your pillage.3. You Get Unlimited Free Stat RebuildsAt the beginning of Act 2, you’ll find yourself aboard the ship Lady Vengeance. There’s a special mirror below deck that allows you to entirely rebuild your whole party from the ground up as many times as you want. Since you can fast travel here, feel free to min-max and experiment with weird combinations to your heart's content, allowing you to4.

Waypoint From Anywhere, at Any TimeSpeaking of fast travel, remember you can use waypoints literally whenever you want. Either click the anchor icon on your mini-map or access the waypoint list from the main menu.

From there, you’ll see a list of every Waypoint Shrine you’ve unlocked, which you can choose to fast travel to. As long as you're out of battle, you can do this limitlessly. Certain Races Get Unique SkillsIt’s barely touched upon, but some have hidden talents. Lizards can dig holes without using a shovel, and Undead can pick locks without lockpicks because of their bony fingers. Elves can eat corpses to access the memories of the dead, and chowing down on body parts sometimes grants new skills. For example, eating a piece of the very first dead body you encounter will grant your Elf the Adrenaline skill.If you don't have a Lizard in your party, make sure to have a shovel around at all times to make use of the hidden plots of ground commonly found to get to the buried treasure beneath.

Consider leveling up your Undead's thievery ability level to make the most out of the unlimited lockpicks they provide. Then, you can easily sell unneeded lockpicks for a pretty penny!6. Bless is More Useful Than it SeemsWhen the spell Bless is used to “bless” a character, it increases resistances, accuracy, and dodging, but it has plenty of secret benefits too. With it, you can remove curses from objects, cleanse hellfire, and turn normal water into blessed healing ponds. With Bless, you can even turn regular fire into Holy Fire, beautiful blue flames that grant resistance to fire damage and immunity to frozen and other effects. Without Bless, so keep note of any such place on your journey so you can return once you have the heavenly spell.7.

Chicken Claw is Secretly the Best SkillChicken Claw is a that turns your enemies into useless chickens that can’t do anything but run away for two turns of combat - a hilarious sight. Even better, Chicken Claw works on a lot of bosses who are immune or resistant to other status effects.It gets better, too. Cast Rupture Tendons, a Scoundrel skill, on enemies before turning them into chickens, and as they frantically run away they'll inflict damage upon themselves.8. You Can Set Traps with BarrelsIf your strength is high enough, you can pick up and carry barrels, allowing you to set up elaborate, explosive traps in areas that weren’t necessarily designed for them. Stealthily place oil or poison barrels next to enemies, lure them to the set trap, then detonate the deadly drums with a fire spell. If done correctly, each barrel will inflict explosion damage plus damage over time. Even just a single exploding barrel can swing the tides of a fight.

Just make sure you're standing far enough away so you don't also get caught in the flames!There's another way to use barrels and chests in your favor, too. Fill them up with the heaviest junk you can find and toss them, with brute strength or telekinesis, onto your enemies to deal a ton of damage. Players have dubbed this 'Barrelmancy' and it can be pretty game breaking.9.

Elemental Combos Trigger Different EffectsThough mentioned fairly early on, the effects of combining different elements are never truly highlighted. Combining fire and poison causes massive explosions that set targets on fire and poisons them. Fire and water create a cloud of steam and smoke, causing ranged attacks to always miss.

Water and lighting make the water electrified, stunning and shocking anyone in the water.10. Vendors Rotate Stock With Every Level UpYou may have noticed that some vendors sell new items when you revisit them. That’s because when you level up, vendors restock their wares. Though not all vendors will acquire brand new items with each level up, it’s still worth checking back.11. Everything is Valuable. One of the easiest things to overlook in Divinity 2 is the value of items.It isn’t always obvious what is worth selling, keeping, or passing by, but we suggest you take everything as long as it doesn't over-encumber you.

All sorts of knick-knacks can be sold for a few coins, or better yet, gifted to merchants to earn their favor and save you gold in the long run.And don’t forget food can be cooked into various meals that buff stats and heal you in combat. Most food can be cooked by first combining a cooking pot with a fire to create a cooking station, then combining the cooking station with an uncooked food item.Even the most innocuous items are actually incredibly useful crafting materials, like nails, which can be used with a hammer to make lockpicks. And sometimes, that ordinary cutlery lying around isn’t just normal silverware, occasionally you’ll come across a jewel plated spoon that sells for 1000 gold. Leave no items behind!Do you have any other tips players might not know about Divinity 2? Let us know in the comments! For more on Divinity 2, definitely check out our very positive.

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Divinity Original Sin 2 gives players a lot of freedom and doesn't restrict them in how they want to complete a quest or make decisions. However, this page of the guide contains certain actions that should be avoided if you don't want to add more difficulty to the game (or even make it impossible to play).1. Don't attack every character that you come across. Everyone wants to feel powerful when they play an RPG game, however, fighting with everyone can lead to deaths of many characters and that can make you unable to start or complete some of the quests because those characters were essential to complete them. A short moment of fun can cost you a lot of experience points or loss of valuable items. Before you try to steal something, you must be sure that no one will notice that.2. Don't steal everything that you find - and if you have to, do it skillfully.

Each attempt at stealing can end in worsening your relations with other characters and, most of the times, you will also have to explain yourself. When this happens, you must use Persuasion skill or money if you want to avoid problems - otherwise, you will have to face the victims. If you want to be good at stealing you can check out information in 'How to steal and not get caught?' Don't waste your money on things that you don't need. Gold is always useful - even during the later parts of the game, when you carry a few thousand coins, you can quickly spend your entire fortune only on a few items.

If a given item isn't useful to you, don't buy it - equipment can be acquired and a crafting material will most likely appear in merchant's offer again. Saving too much consumables leads to overcrowding your equipment.4.

Don't save grenades, scrolls or potions. Yes, they are valuable, but their amount in your equipment increases rapidly. There is no point in 'saving for later' - that 'later' never comes and after 20 hours into the game potions and grenades will take about 2/3 of equipment space.5.

Don't skip side quests. The game offers hundreds of quests and rewards for some of them aren't proportionate to amount of time dedicated to them, however, you should always try to complete side quests. You can't fight with enemies infinitely because there is a specific number of them and a lot of experience comes from those quests - if you skip them you can quickly lead to a situation in which your team becomes too weak for you to continue playing. Descriptions of all quests can be found in the later part of this guide.6. Don't ignore the power of crafting. Players can use hundreds of recipes (all of them are described in 'Crafting' chapter) and a lot of them is useful - a good examples are runes that, when placed inside of a weapon, increases its effectiveness, ability to create arrows or combining a few weaker potions into a more powerful one.7. Don't finish movement of your character on an oil and don't stand next to explosive barrels.

Most fights that you participate in are carefully prepared by the developers - because of that you can notice barrels with oil or poison placed in strategic places. Ar-3 speakers. There is a big chance that an enemy can use them if you stand next those objects during a fight.8. Don't waste status inflicting abilities on enemies with full physical/magic armor. Inflicting statuses on enemies is the easiest way to start a fight but remember that: there is a good chance that if an enemy has a lot of physical or magic armor then your spells/abilities can be parried and you will waste your action points on nothing.

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