
Delphi Open Remotedekstop In Form

Run command for opening remote desktop session in full screen mode. Add /f switch to the command. Mstsc /f Run command for specifying the remote computer name from the command itself. Use /v switch in this case. Mstsc /v:computername Run command to specify remote desktop connection settings using a rdp file mstsc RDPfilename.

FWIW, we have a similar situation, but it's driven by a security need, and not a crash. When our app runs via Citrix, we are forbidden to ever show the regular windows 'open' or 'save as' dialogs. So we rolled our own. Irrlicht tutorial. It's got a combo of drive letters (local drives only), folder selector (restricted to the approved drives), filename selector, and filename edit box.For us, this gets around any active directory issues, and keeps security happy.

And it keeps the users from trying to drop files into our filesystem or see things they shouldn't.If they're not running in the sandbox, we show the regular windows file dialogs. A wrapper function allows us to call it from anywhere and leave the 'sandboxed vs windows' decision in one spot. You seems to have narrowed your problem to an access issue of some kind, so the following explanation might not help you.

But there seems to exist a problem with popup windows on RemoteApp and I could imagine that it could lead (at least theoretically) to a similar problem, that's why I would like to mention it:Apparently the Z-order of the windows isn't always correct when using RemoteApp. In your case TOpenDialog should be a modal popup window.

Due to the bug, I could imagine that TOpenDialog could appear in the background. Your main window would remain in the foreground but would be disabled as TOpenDialog is modal. Windows might then not know how to redraw a disabled window and simply draw a white box.

Hi all,Hopefully someone can help me with a few issues i've been having. We have an application that was developed in Delphi which we're attempting to share from a Windows 2008 R2 server using RemoteApp.The first issue is that RemoteApp keeps getting confused about which window should be ontop. I've done a decent amount of googling on this and it does seem to be an issue with RemoteApp itself in alot of cases. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how we could get around this or something that could be done to the actual application to circumvent this.The second issue is that although the app works 90% of the time, every so often users won't be able to log in. I'm completely at a loss as to what causes the issue, but logging everyone off the Terminal Server and reinstalling of the BDEInfoSetup and giving read/write permissions to the Borland folder (namely idapi32.cfg) seems to solve the problem temporarily.Any suggestions anyone has would be greatly appreciated.